Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Power of Love

Today is the Sabbath. I am lying in bed more ill than i have been in at least 10 years. Coughing and aching from head to toe.

But my thoughts are turned to my blessings, and the privilege it has been to meet SO MANY on this journey.

I have learned in the past month that 2 of my friends will be bringing children into their home. In part because of their involvement with our adoption journey.

NOTHING brings me more hope than this.

The lives we can change through action is profound.

I have to be honest, the journey to adoption is more like preparing for the climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro. (which is on my bucket list)

The grueling preparation, the factors that are out of our hands....the trust, the waiting, the unknown, and the emotional turmoil have beaten me down.

I have spent more time in introspect and more time soul searching, practicing patience, forgiveness, and charity.

I have never come closer to my weaknesses than I have during this process.

Truly entering the refiners fire, I pray that I can come out as the masterpiece my Father in Heaven has intended me to be.

I pray that I can make up for all the flaws and mistakes I OBVIOUSLY have.

I also hope I can forgive others more freely, as I have struggled with all the elements that attend adoption.

I am learning, stretching and growing.

Thank you ALL for being a part of this journey.

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