Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sacrifice brings Blessings

Each one of my children have come to our homes through Faith.

Having our first child was frightening and exciting at the same time, so many wonders crossed my mind, so many worries, but most of them have not come true.

The surprise in this adoption is HOW MUCH Opposition we have encountered. We have nay-sayers who have pleaded we give-up, we have strangers criticize our need to fund raise, we have emotional issues that have surfaced and dragged us to our knees, today I spent time in reflection, trying to see what lesson I have missed. (Or rather what lessons I have need to learn)

The answer is this: Satan Does Not Want Adoptions to Move Forward.

He is the Father of all Lies, He is the Father of all Discouragement, and the Father of all Despair.

Satan is the great oppressor, he wants children to be lonely, he desires homes to be broken, he wants us to GIVE UP.

the LAST thing he wants is for children to be honored and protected, he hates to see them nurtured and loved.
he seeks to destroy hope, faith and love, so during every step of this journey, we have been barraged with chaos, pain, destruction, and hurt.

Within 72 hours of bringing Peter home, our family vehicle was totaled.  The insurance did not cover a replacement.

Then over the course of the next several weeks, we had :
the Washing machine break, thrice, the dryer went out, dishwasher stopped working, the radiator exploded, the tire on the NEW vehicle (brand new tires) EXPLODED damaging the side wall of the family vehicle, we had more visits to the ER in these 3 months than we have in 10 years.

Every time I turn around we have a new obstacle,  and we have had to be more flexible, humble, pliable, and return frequently to our knees.

IT has been the hardest undertaking of my life, maybe all trials while we are in them feel like the hardest, but a life is on the line, and there is no QUITTING, there is no way we can GIVE UP, or change our minds.

We are in it for ETERNITY.

and no matter how often we must turn to our rice & bean menu, we will endure, we will go without,  this season, and no frivolous expenses.

What could be more worth it than this...............

1 comment:

  1. SO true. Satan does everything he can to stop adoptions. Praising God that He will have the victory and you will have beautiful Peter!
