Friday, May 4, 2012

heart and gut

When it comes to decisions, I make them with my heart. I hear or feel a pull to fix something or to be involved in something, and I am lead to action, my heart and legs are directly connected.

this does get me into trouble occasionally, I have been trying to think of a metaphor for where I am at in life.

I realized a few things,
ONE- I have always been this way, and do not see any reason or logic in changing it.
and TWO-I can not imagine living life without the motivating drive to make a difference.

It does not matter if it is one person, one dollar, one smile, one life. I can NOT live a day without being on the look out to lighten the load of another.

So many times when we are feeling alone and feeling like the weight we carry has become too much, such as during a crisis or an emergency, what we need to remember is that no man is an Island, and that we are NEVER lone. The weight we CHOOSE to take on is never carried alone. Our family, our neighbors and our friends carry it with us, through prayer, through service and through worry.

This Journey, This Challenge and This Choice have been a beautiful awakening for me.

Many times I have felt alone, I have felt sad or worn down, and I have had the tender mercies of the Lord when someone (one person) has come to my aid.

But what did the Master & Savior say? He said "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you"

I realized that so many of my needs are met because I sit back and try to solve them on our own.
 But that is not the intent of the Lord, We are His hands, we are His voice and we are His feet.
When we see the burden of another we are called to lift and help that person carry the burden.

It is not a question or an option, it is a COMMANDMENT.

When a house burns down, we come to their aid, When someone is Ill, we come to their aid, If someone is left Fatherless or destitute, we do all we can to aid.

This is the gospel, this is HIS word, This is HIS work.

SO many wonderful friends, near and far have come to support Peter's adoption, so many have offered words of encouragement, suggestions ,Baked items, Sewn items, Delivered announcement,s organized bake sales, volunteered to sell Lemonade, or Snow Cones, or Cookies in a jar, Crafting bows, or Doodads, or offering their plasma to sell (for real)  .

It is more than I can catalog, I can not keep up with it, I can not recall each person who has dropped off a card with cash, or paypal a donation, or a plate of cookies for the bake sale......

It is a FLOOD of support and love. and I feel it. I am working feverishly to write it all down, to keep track of each kind act so that one day Peter and I can look through a picture book, and a listing of each person who has sacrificed for Him.

When we have done it it unto the LEAST of them....we HAVE done it unto Him.

It has not gone unnoticed.

Thank you, once again. Thank you for ALL you are doing.

Adoption is a CHOICE, and we appreciate all the support  we have gotten as we CHOOSE to parent this special little boy, who is learning, growing and THRIVING.

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