Friday, December 28, 2012

Privacy Settings

ok, so you recall my VENT about the adoption agency? and how I was LIVID at their inaction? Apparently they decided to read my blog (about time?) and for that i am glad, they can see how UNHAPPY I have been with the amount of support I have been lacking during this process, For instance, they claim I was notified in writing about the Visa in the beginning of this process, HOWEVER all it says about a visa is bundled with obtaining the child's passport, therefore not giving me ANY clue that an ADDITIONAL Visa is necessary for ME! Disclosure folks, when I am scraping every single penny I have in order to pay for all my expenses, and you throw a new urgent need to the tune of $600 yeah, I get a little cranky. ON TO BETTER NEWS! I got a text from the Visa processing center, my visa/passport are in the mail. Overnight delivery should be here by tomorrow at 4 p.m.!! So while I am not ashamed of the things i said in all my preparations, i AM sad that I must go private for a different reason. Apparently most African Nations look down upon the promotion of adoption due to the severe neglect and poor living conditions. Apparently when i mentioned how SEVERELY malnourished Peter was when he arrived in the USA, that will be considered embarrassing for the Liberian government, and may complicate the process. So I must play along with their rules, and pretend that I am not ghastly horrified about the amount of mortality due to malnourishment, and I must only publish the PRAISES of the nation. I have never been one to play by the rules, but for Peter's sake, I will do my best to accentuate the positive and pray we make it out quickly! thanks to the 8 readers I have, I appreciate knowing that you all want to stay connected with our journey. I appreciate the continued prayers. The countdown has begun!

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