Tuesday, June 5, 2012

80/20 Rule

We as a collective whole have been working VERY HARD!

The 20% of my contacts have done 80% of the work.
I can not BEGIN to name and list the busy work that goes on behind the scenes to make all the progress we have seen possible!

Some moments I am CONSUMED with all the support, and I feel overwhelmed at the Lord's tender mercies.

 I am REALLY curious how many have read the blog, facebook posts, or watched the videos and casually moved onto their next task?

This is when I am drawn back to the list of donors and supporters.
Most of my friends are not in a position to help financially,  most of them struggle to pay the bills on time, and have many mouths to feed.

and yet, the majority of the BIGGEST helpers have struggled the MOST with finances. They are EMPATHETIC and understand how frustrating it is to hit short of the mark.

I can not thank them enough for ALL the tireless work, the sleepless nights, the hours and hours of calling, emailing, crafting, baking, and run around they perform on Peter's behalf.

I hope one day the karma will come smack dab back at'ya and you have those windows of heaven pouring blessings on to your families.

The second half of this post is a public challenge.

If the equation is correct then 20% of our efforts have resulted in 80% of our success.

So what HAVE we done that has made the BIGGEST impact on our goal?

On the days of the HIGHEST donations we have had one or two things happen. in a GROUP EFFORT we have SHARED the VIDEO or Shared a personal connection to Peter's story.

When Sarah Jensen posted her thoughtful words about Peter, it spurred many 'shared' posts on FB and in turn we had a HUGE donation day!

that Coupled with the encouraging words from "Life Manifesto's" creator Stephen Palmer, who wrote a group email to ALL his contacts and shared the story and video of Peter.


So what can you DO? Even if you don't have the financial means to send a donation.....

SHARE the story,  spread the word, adding in YOUR PERSONAL connection to the story.(How you know me, how you heard about our story and how YOU are working WITH us to make a miracle)

When we talk about the POWER OF ONE.....we are talking ONE person, ONE WORD, ONE Penny and ONE Orphan.

ONE and ONE and ONE together CAN bring miracles.

So I challenge you, WHO do you know? WHO Can YOU Share the VIDEO with....again.....Who can YOU Challenge to donate $10?

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