Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thanks. Again.

Thank you to my dear friends who attended yesterdays fundraiser;
Susannah Pipkin, Virginia Ensign, Mindy Simpson, Rebecca Perez, Sarah & Kevin Jensen, Barry Williams, Natasha Duncan, Tabitha Underwood, Leigh Jones,Leslie Bensing, Laraine Rodrigues, Susana Baig, Jason & Vickie France, Shawna Read, Tammy Christensen, Dacia & John Boston, WHO did I forget?

Oh yes... how could I forget Erin Galbraith. The steady, silent firm and constant Erin. I thank you too. XO

THANKS for bidding on the auction items, for buying BBQ, for enduring the heat and chaos, for showing your kindness through personal sacrifice.

THANKS to the STRANGERS who came off the street to buy Lemonade, and BBQ, and those few who bought Raffle tickets!

Thanks are NOT enough for my tireless SOLDIERS who have worked SO HARD for this and the other events to help iron out the wrinkles,
Susana Baig, I could NEVER have made it past the initial request for HELP if it were not for you...and your BOUNDLESS ENERGY,
For Rebecca Perez, who would listent o me whine and complain and continue to encourage me even when I am SURE she was SICK AND TIRED of listening to it!
For Sarah Jensen who stepped in (WITH A VERY BUSY LIFE) and helped give wind to the sails in a tired ship.
For Laraine Rodrigues for her peddling, selling, creating, giving, and never running out of ideas of ways to help
For Leslie Bensing, who only knew of us through home school connections, and who has become such a dear friend and HUGE supporter!
For Leigh Jones who made items, and carried items all over the USA selling and sharing the message to her friends and family, never leaving the cause alone, and always bringing wads of cash back to add to the jar.
For Barry Williams who has opened his kitchen and put in TONS of ALOHA into the foods prepared all without complaining.
For Susannah Pipkin, who makes pie after pie and carves time and money to show that her HEART is HUGE and her desire to help even BIGGER!

I may haven to named each and every person  who has sacrificed for Peter's benefit. little by little every bit counts, every "SHARE" of the video, every penny in the donation jar, every email sent out to your entire contact list, every baked item that was donated, every overpriced cookie that was purchased, every "LIKE" on our comments, every prayer, every kind word, every single deed.

I may not be organized enough to list them, I may not be quick enough to send out the thank you cards promptly, I may not have a clear enough memory to recall EACH item individually, BUT IT HAS NOT BEEN OVERLOOKED.




You are forever carved into our hearts.




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